Tag: Surgery Problem

Heart Surgery Led to Brain Damage and Medical Malpractice

One man was recently awarded $13 million dollars following a botched surgical procedure that took place in 2010. The medical malpractice case took several years to unfold, but once it did, the victim of the case received compensation for what amounted to the loss of his life. The victim in this case was a twenty-one-year-old […]

Written by on March 21, 2017

Thirteen-Year-Old Child Dies Following Tonsillectomy Procedure Intended To Cure Sleep Apnea

More and more doctors have started performing tonsillectomies as a way to treat sleep apnea in their patients. However, some medical professionals are saying that these procedures are too risky to perform on certain populations because there has not been enough research done to prove their effectiveness. A thirteen-year-old California girl underwent a tonsillectomy earlier […]

Written by on January 7, 2014